2024 Art-Lympic @ National Level Children Art Competition, supported by Ministry of Education (MOE)

This year, JCI Sunway Damansara’s 2024 art-lympic painting competition has officially started. Today, the first school SJK(C) Lai Chee Inspirational Chinese Primary School held the first competition. 720 students participated together, using the brushes in their hands to depict their views on the ocean. Love and protect.

The ocean is the blue home of the earth and an important resource for human survival. Protecting the ocean is everyone’s responsibility! The Art-Lympic painting competition aims to arouse people's awareness of ocean protection through children's paintings and jointly protect this beautiful blue homeland.

The theme of this competition is "Protecting the Ocean". The children used their rich imagination and creativity to paint the ocean world in their minds: colorful coral reefs, lively and lovely underwater creatures, and the damage caused to the ocean by human activities.

Each of the works, full of childlike interest and creativity, not only showcases the children's painting talent, but also expresses their strong desire for ocean protection. I believe these works will definitely bring people profound thinking and enlightenment.
The Art-Lympic drawing competition will continue to be held in schools across the country. We look forward to more children participating and using their paintbrushes to contribute to ocean protection!

今年JCI Sunway Damansara 的2024 年art-lympic的绘画比赛已经正式开跑,今天到了第一间学校的励志华小小学办成了第一场720学生一同参与, 用手中的画笔描绘出他们对海洋的热爱和守护。

海洋是地球的蓝色家园,也是人类赖以生存的重要资源。 保护海洋,人人有责!Art-Lympic绘画比赛旨在通过孩子的画作,唤起人们对海洋保护的意识,共同守护这片蔚蓝色的美丽家园。

本次比赛的主题是“保护海洋”。 孩子们发挥丰富的想象力和创造力,用画笔描绘了他们心目中的海洋世界:五彩缤纷的珊瑚礁、活泼可爱的海底生物、以及人类活动对海洋造成的破坏。

一幅幅充满童趣和创意的作品,不仅展现了孩子们的绘画天赋,更表达了他们对海洋保护的强烈愿望。 相信这些作品一定会带给人们深刻的思考和启迪。

Art-Lympic绘画比赛将继续在全国各地的学校进行。 我们期待着更多孩子的参与,用他们的画笔为海洋保护贡献一份力量!

12 Sep 2024